
I'm a crypto native for over 10 years. My involvement in crypto:

2024: Full Time contributor for Curve DAO
2023: carbon token backed stabelcoin / Full Time contributor for Curve DAO
2022: contributor for AladdinDAO / Working on a carbon token backed stabelcoin (liquity fork)
2021: Full Time contributor for DXdao - Product Owner for IDO Plattform / contributor for AladdinDAO
2020: #DeFi and Layer 2 on Ethereum
2019: #DeFi! CPU mining Amoveo and Testnet staking for Kava
2018: Not selling the top! Dam!
2017: IC0-Flipping and losing big in shorting the hype
2016: Invested into The DAO
2015: CPU mining ETH on a Mining Pool
2014: We did take part in the ethereum public sale back in 2014.
2013: Sold all BTC at the top
2011: CPU mining BTC on a Mining Pool
2011: Discover Bitcoin in 2011 and bought 5 BTC at the price of 11€
2006-2020: Managing Partner of a Web Agency

A full list of projects I research/invest/test/traded/support/run/stake/mine

Other facts:

Martin Krung has a background in Art/Sofware & Innovation Engeneering
Martin Krung has a Master in Fine Arts in Digital Arts/MAS in Innovation Engeneering/CAS in Blockchain
Martin Krung is active on Crypto Twitter
Martin Krungs on linked-in: www.linkedin.com/in/martin-krung/
I'am owner of the dormant domains polkadot.ch/ethereum.ch